A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


An insane person has trapped three lemurs just for the fun of hunting them down with a ground strike drone. Three players play as lemurs in a forest maze struggling to survive against the imminent threat of a ground strike drone hovering above their heads. The last player controls the drone with the oscilloscope (it is possible, but not recommended to play on the computer screen). Find all the virtual oscilloscopes and break them to defeat the drone or die by the hands of the drone commander.


NameItch username
Jakob Norell
jemapelleConsiderable amount
Nikita Ivanov
nikitaIvanovSubstantial features
Yichen Zhao
hund7777Numerous additions
Björn Johansson
outplaydCountless hours
Fredrik Söderströmstormiginte
Extensive stuff


fallgamejam24.console.exe 181 kB
fallgamejam24.exe 80 MB
fallgamejam24.pck 65 MB
fallgamejam24.sh 130 bytes
fallgamejam24.x86_64 62 MB

Install instructions

Recommended specs:

  •     1x Gould OS300 (or similar 2-channel oscilloscope with x-/y-mode)
  •     4x computers running either windows 11 or linux preferably(arch or linux mint are tested. One computer should have a reasonable sound card.
  •     1x 3.5 to 2-channel stereo aux cable
  •     1x xbox 360 controller (or similar standard gamepad) for the drone commander.
  •     3x pc mice for the 3 computers running the lemur clients.
  •     a LAN connection to all 4 computer.


  •     Good luck!

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